How Can We Assist you?
Need specific nutrition advice for your horse?
We are delighted to speak with you to determine which of our products best suits your needs. Just contact us and we will arrange a suitable time/day for a consultation with Dr. Richard McCormick MVB, Dip. Eq. St., MRCVS
What are the payment options?
We want you to receive your Belmont Equine Products when you need them. Simply order & pay using PayPal or your credit card and we will be sure to ship them to you within 3-5 days. For large orders, please contact us to determine when you will receive your Belmont Equine products.
Where can i find your products 'in-store'?
We have a number of carefully chosen distributors for our products in Ireland, the USA & Canada.
East to include Dublin & surrounding areas:
Belmont Equine Products,
Co. Meath
Contact: Richard 083 4725858
e-mail: belmontequineproducts@gmail.com
West - Galway
Rockmount A.I.Centre
Contact: Gina 087-6614365
e-mail: rockmountcentre@gmail.com
Midlands - Mullingar
Mullingar Agri Store
Contact: Paul 086-8183227
e-mail: mullingaragristore@gmail.com
South - Cork
Barrett Agri
Contact: John Dineen (086) 0213383
e-mail: jdineen@barrettagri.ie
Elite Equine Supplies,
8690 Wellington Road
22 Rockwood
Ontario, NOB2KO
Contact: Renae 289-242-1561
e-mail: renae@eliteequinesupplies.com