Champion Oat Balancer® is a patented FDA/USDA approved multivitamin, amino acid & mineral supplement for (equine only) use in oat based feeding programs.
Champion Oat Balancer® is available in 2.5kg (suitable for an adult horse for 28 days), 5kg and 7kg tubs. It contains the following ingredients;
- Biotin
- Calcium Iodate
- Choline Chloride
- Cobalt Carbonate
- Cupric Chelate of Aminoacids Hydrate
- Folic Acid
- Hydrate
- Iron Chelate of Aminoacids Hydrate
- Limeflour (Calcium Carbonate)
- Lysine
- Magnesium Oxide
- Manganese Chelate
- Methionine
- Nicotinic Acid
- of Aminoacids
- Pantothenic Acid
- Pyridoxine
- Selenium – Organic
- Thiamine
- Threonine
- Vitamin A Acetate
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin E Acetate
- Vitamin K3
- Zinc Chelate of Aminoacids Hydrate
Horses consistently fed Champion Oat Balancer® as a part of their daily ration have ideal blood counts. In a thoroughbred racing over 1¼ miles, the difference between an average and an ideal blood count can be as much as five lengths.
Champion Oat Balancer - 2.5kg powder
Through extensive research and evaluation we have created an optimal Oat Balancer formulation which when used in conjunction with our feeding protocol (timothy hay, oats & roasted flaxseed) will improve your animal's general condition, stamina and demeanour substantially. Scientific research (to achieve and maintain ideal blood counts) & extensive practical experience (of equines across all equestrian disciplines) has determined that the combination of oats and our Champion Oat Balancer ® improves digestion and absorption of essential minerals and nutrients resulting in greater physiological harmony and condition for the animal every day.
Optimizing your horses nutrition not only enhances your equines metabolism and enables its senstive gut to operate at greater efficiency leading to dramatically improved blood counts & delivers stamina as well as endurance on the race track or show ring time and time again.
Sample Equine Blood Analysis
Haematocrit - (PCV) Haemoglobin - Hg g/dl Red Blood Cell Count - 1010 / L Ideal 44/45 15-16 9-10 million Average 42 12-15 7-9 million Low 40 or below 12 or below 7 million or below